Hey folks!
SOOoooOOOooo, I guess this will double as the official (second) announcement of our Over-sized Full Color Mysterious Adventure Magazine Annual 2010!! We've been talking about incorporating some colored stories for a while and we've already got some of the best guys out there working on material for it as we speak!
One of the features will be a reprint of the story that started it all, "Ambush at the End of the World" starring the Phantom Ace, one of MAM's flagship characters. This won't be you're grandfather's reprint thought, we're giving the story a FULL COLOR OVERHAUL!
Not only do we already have stories underway by a bevy of talented gentlemen, but we also have one HUMONGOUS special treat. The cover for our annual (as you may have read) has been done by none other than Mr. Charlie Adlard, the artist from Image Comics "WALKING DEAD" written by Robert Kirkman.

This brings me to our contest: Scotty and I have decided to throw two uncolored pages out there so that anyone who wants to give it a shot at coloring them, can do so. We're not going to give out a bunch of restrictions and provisions. There's no house style we're looking for- simple cell shade? crazy over rendering? Do whatever you do best...Do whatever services the line work best...because that's how we're going to pick our winner! Keep things in mind like setting and scene transition, atmosphere, and all the other things that make a truly gifted colorist good at what they do.
So what's this contest for? To put it quite plainly...if you really kick butt on these two pages, you win the unpaid gig of coloring the full 21 pages for us. Isn't that nice of us? But seriously, you'd be a member of the team and if history has served, just about everyone who has participated in MAM related content so far has had doors open for them out there because of it.
The only thing that we ask is this: if you are chosen, please be willing and able to finish those 21 pages in a timely and efficient fashion to be discussed later.Instead of bugging all of our colorist friends, we wanted to do bit of a talent search. Worst case scenario, a bunch of different people see your work.
We're still talking prizes and bonus participant stuff, so hopefully a little mystery is incentive as well.
Shoot me a note if you have any questions and send me the links to your colored pages (feel free to post them publicly as well) or you can email them to me directly if you'd like, at epicallyuninventive@msn.com
Thanks alot, and have fun!