Heya folks, long time no update. I've decided it was time to take down the digital versions that have been up for the past couple years. I was paying a monthly fee to host them and needless to say, without us continuing on the series or promoting that these were available, it was a silly endeavor to keep shelling out bucks to do so.
If you would like to purchase a copy, you can hit up either Scotty or myself and we'll get it to you no problem.
Thanks a lot everybody!!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Thursday, February 3, 2011

That's right folks!
The book that looks like it's from the Golden Age is finally jumping into the Digital Age! We've got issues 2, 3, and 4 available for $2 downloads. Please check out these books-- there are SO many talented guys that have contributed.
Scott Godlewski (Boom Studios' Codebreakers & Dracula: Company of Monsters), Joshua Covey (Nobody Likes Jimmy), Ben Perkins (NeoTrash Comix), Ryan Cody (Icarus from Super75Comics & Villains from Viper Comics), Joe Dellagatta (Egg & Atomic Robo: the Getaway), Mikey Babinski (Wonder Woman & She Hulk), Matt Kaufenberg (Shrek), not to mention Michael Kasinger, Dan McDaid, Andy Kuhn, Dan Schkade, Evan Shaner, Dave Flora, Simone Guglielmini, Anthony Schiavino, Michael Powell, Guy LeMay, Sean Hartter, and still to be seen grace the pages of MAM, Lee Gaston, Derrick West, Andy Poole, Claudio Muñoz, Shawn Ullom, and many more!!
Just jump over to your right hand side, scroll down, and click on the "Add to Cart" button below the issue(s) that you'd like to purchase digitally. We understand that times are tough and the cost of a physical book plus shipping plus whatever else is just outrageous these days. We figure if your average 32 page (24 pages of story w/ about 7 pages of ads) comes to $.99 or more for a download. There's over 40 pages in each of these issues (about 4 or 5 of which are ads) hopefully you'll agree that the book is worth the little bit of extra coin.
We're still plugging along on the 2011 MAM Annual. We've gotta a ton of great stories from many of our MAM veterans, so keep an eye out for that.
Thanks for looking
Monday, November 1, 2010
Issue THREE available online NOW!!

This thing is packed with stories by Joshua Covey, Anthony Schiavino, Dave Flora, Ryan Cody, Ben Perkins, and of course Scott Godlewski, and Matt Bennett.
Monday, August 23, 2010

Kablam/Indyplant's site got hacked and so neither of the new issues are available yet. Both Issue 1 and 2 are still up there but the addresses are changing almost daily. Every time I post a link, it's dead in a day or two.
So in the meantime this is what I'm doing to rectify that...for a limited time you can order Mysterious Adventure Magazine Fall 09 (Issue 3) directly from me for $6.00. I'll be throwing in some MAM postcards and the shipping's included. I only have a handful right now, so ORDER NOW!!
This issue boasts an all-star cast of creative titans. Josh Covey, Simone Guglielmini, Anthony Schiavino, Ben Perkins, Mike Babinski, Dave Flora, Ryan Cody, Scott Godlewski, and Andy Kuhn.
Comment on this blog with your email address and I'll get right back to you.
Here's a little preview of a story that I worked on with Josh Covey called "Dust to Dust."

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Bulletproof Beetle PREVIEW
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Scotty and I will be attending this year's Phoenix Comic Con on May 27th-30th. We'll be way in back at table T129.
I'm really excited to see all the Arizona guys again and check out the awesome that is Phoenix Comic Con. We'll have a TON of great stuff with us: We'll have all four issues of Mysterious Adventure Magazine (two of which haven't been available yet) and an all ages off-shoot starring the Bulletproof Beetle, called Adventure Into The Mysterious- this is a Phoenix Con EXCLUSIVE! We'll have prints, some freebies, a giant poster raffle, and be sketching for a modest stipend.

Stop on by, say Hi, buy some stuff! Hope to see you out there!
Monday, May 10, 2010
MAM sallutes a LEGEND!

We lost Frank Frazetta today.
I'm sure he's okay with it, he's back with his wife (who was his whole world). He'd done it all- the only thing left would be to start painting with his feet...which he could probably do.
I will ALWAYS list Frank as one of my top influences (not that I have anything approaching his work or style even) but he ignited my imagination like no other. I would spend hours in the "quite room" at my library (when I was a kid) pawing through his art books. Copying, tracing, and just plain ogling his stuff to no end.
The bite of fantasy, folklore, and mythology that my stuff may have, comes from him and the material that his art inspired me to seek out.
I'll miss knowing that he's still out there.
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